Insomnia is a very common sleep disorder where a person has difficulties falling or staying asleep.
It could be due to various factors and differs in each person.
It's usually due to poor sleeping habits, stress, depression, anxiety, lack of exercise, chronic illness, aging, menopause, menstruation or pregnancy in woman, travelling or certain medication.
Poor sleeping habits include not having a proper sleeping schedule, eating heavy food before bed, using your electronic devices, working out right before bed and drinking alcohol that could lead to serious health issues.
image credits: Megan te Boekhorst in unsplash
Symptoms include not being able to fall asleep or staying asleep and feeling weary because of it, irritation, poor concentration and coordination, focus and memory problems, acid refluxes, frequent headaches and excessive worrying.
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There are different types of Insomnia and it differs according to each persons condition. A few types of Insomnia includes:
Acute Insomnia or Adjustment Insomnia is a brief episode of difficulty in sleeping and is often times brought about by stress about job or school, change in relationships and friendships. It usually lasts as long as the stress is gone or the person has adapted to the stressor. It could last for a night to a few weeks.
Transient Insomnia is another disorder that's caused by change in sleep environment, stress or depression.
Chronic Insomnia lasts for more than a month and is generally caused by chronic medical and psychiatric conditions. It is said to be chronic if it lasts for 3 times a week for 3 months.
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Insomnia is also segregated into Primary and Secondary where Primary Insomnia is generally due to prolonged exposure to stress and bad sleep habits and is also called as Psychophysiological Insomnia. Primary Insomnia means it's not related to other health conditions. Secondary Insomnia is having trouble in sleeping due to your health conditions like cancer, asthma, depression or intake of substances like drugs and alcohol.
Paradoxical Insomnia is caused by depression or other psychological problems.
Insomnia could also be due to medication, behavioural problems as children, mental disorders or medical condition.
Insomnia can be treated with various therapies with or without medication. Acute Insomnia generally doesn't need treatment though your doctor may prescribe you sleeping pills for a short time that could help you avoid drowsiness and acts quickly to help you sleep. Avoid using it too often as they may have side-effects and tend to lose power over time.
Chronic Insomnia needs treatment for the health condition that's keeping you awake and your doctor would generally put you under Behavioural therapy that could help you change activities that makes your insomnia worse.
Cognitive Behavioural therapy includes Sleep hygiene education, Sleep-restriction therapy, Stimulus control therapy, Cognitive therapy and Relaxation therapy.
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Medication for insomnia includes Sedative- hypnotic drugs, Antihistamines and other drugs that could help you fall asleep. It can also be treated by changing lifestyle, diet and regular exercise, acupressure and FDA approved devices.
Avoid caffeinated drinks in the late afternoons or evening.
Go to sleep and wake up at the same time everyday and try not to sleep during the day.
Avoid alcohol before bed.
Switch your e-books for normal ones and switch off your devices an hour before bed.
Try exercising in the late evening or afternoon, 3 to 4 hours before bed to help promote sleep.
Avoid eating heavy meals and try eating an hour before bed. Do not go to bed straight after you eat.
Try a relaxing activity like listening to light music or taking a bath.
Make sure your room is comfortable: not too dark, quite and average temperature.
Try lighting up incense sticks or candles with pleasant smell.
Write a diary or a to-do list if you tend to worry while in bed.
If you don't feel drowsy, try thinking of happy memories or do something like reading to help fall asleep.
Make sure to avoid using your bed for activities like working on your laptop other than sleeping.
Change your sheets every week and make sure you have proper ventilation in your room.
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Insomnia could lead to various serious health issues such as stroke, seizures, asthma attacks, weakening of the immunity system, sensitivity to pain, obesity, heart diseases, high blood pressure, depression and anxiety if not treated properly therefore it is very important to have a proper sleep schedule.
cover image credits: Joel Overbeck of unsplash